Thursday, September 21, 2006

mag nation

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

Took some timeout today to walk the alleys of Collins and Flinders Street. T'was a really good experience, I must say; armed with a camera, journeying through the valleys of urban life. My last stop was on Elizabeth Street, at Mag Nation, just to say hi to a friend who works there. It was my first time stepping into the place and I must say it was a pretty savvy hangout spot. Heaps of magazine everywhere and apparently (and I say that only because I haven't actually tasted it there myself) good coffee too (my friend there's the chief barrista).

Should do this more often.
If only...

Wednesday, September 20, 2006


Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

Ah. A fresh new place to start off with. Yes, yes. I know it is a little bit commercialised, but honestly, I am getting sick of domaindlx posting google ads at my previous photoblog. So here we are. Minimal advertising. What can I say. Nothing's for free. Except for the Melbourne City Circle Trams. Which technically IS paid by the Australian tax-payers. Then I guess nothing's free then...